Doing the same in windows device manager and rebooting did not fix the problem. Backup exec 2014 jobs failing on hp proliant dl360 g6 with an. Options for the 4 b custom installation method are discussed below click here to see what these options are. Hi craigv, i did use the diagnostic tool from hp to shift out the tape from the drive and inventory and catalog all the tapes using be 2012. Virtual tape library unlimited drive option vudo may cause. Please restart all backup exec services to fix this problem. Verify that the rights listed in the how to setup user rightspermissions for backup exec service account besa article matches what you see in step 1. The fan might be having intermittent problem where it will slow down and firmware detection of it will offline the library in order to protect the library from overheating and consequent damage. It is completely due to the working mechanism of backup exec tool. I have a dell poweredge 2600 server 64cfb31 factory configured with a benchmark dlttape slt1vs80 drive. Starwind or not, reported the similar problem to backup exec forum. Guide to symantec backup exec templates helpsystems. The remaining backu exec services should run under backup exec account service besa.
Stop all backup exec services from windows services including device and media service. The alert is generated when backup exec is unable to contact the drive. For failed to initialize objects events, restart all backup exec services, reboot the backup exec media server and then ensure the latest backup exec patches. Possible lost connection to database or unsuccessful access to catalog index in the database when the backup exec database bedb is located on a remote sql server or not in the default named sql bkupexec instance. Symantec backup exec robotic library destination element. The server was has been running backups using veritas backup exec 9. Antivirus software can help protect your computer against viruses and other security threats. Hi, we have had our quantum scalar i40 library setup for around two weeks now but have encountered problems getting scheduled jobs to run and getting the library to perform tasks through backup exec 2010 and 2010 r2. This is typically caused by media being left in the robotic arm during an incomplete shutdown of the library hardware. A failure occurred reading an object error with symantec. A few days ago the jobs stopped running they are started and remain in the queued state. I am new at the company i work for and have been tasked with taking over as system admin from the previous consultant backup exec running default build and it was erroring out constantly. Backup exec update, other module update, or an update to the hp software may have. Backup exec error e000fe30 a communications failure.
Backup exec broken after ad migration with server name. User media intervention source backup exec category. Looking at the event viewer, these are a selection. Symantec backup exec robotic library destination element full. Veritas backup exec is a data protection software product designed for customers who have mixed physical and virtual environments, and who are moving to public cloud services.
Support for a single robotic library drive is included with backup exec for windows servers, one license each is required for all additional drives. If disabling the security software resolves the issue then, please contact the specific security software manufacturer to resolve the issue. State, this backup cannot be used for conversion to virtual machines. Hi all, we are running symantec backup exec 11d on our windows 2003 servers, everything is backing up okay exept we keep getting the following error. Autosuggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. If the license is not added, a library expansion option violation is displayed. Backupexec failing after 35 minutes with error code e00084f4. Backup exec 2014, 15 and 16 agents are backwards compatible with backup exec 20 servers for the purpose of upgrades only. Solved backup exec constantly getting error e00084c8. Verify the same robotic library previously detected by backup exec is properly cabled to the computer and the power to the robotic library is on.
Phil hart has been a microsoft community contributor since 2010. How to fix error 58053 backup exec error 58053 error. Backup exec15 scl introduction this document lists the available operating systems, platforms, and applications specifically supported by veritas to be compatible with backup exec 15. This will leave the data files behind so that upon reinstall of backup exec for windows servers 9. Dear experts our company hasnt used tape backup for a while and im trying to get this going again. Checking every file being backed up for viruses is unnecessary and slows. We have the library connected to a dell poweredge 1950 server running server 2003. I modified the maximum size for backup to disk to 10 gb and the maximum number of back sets per backup to disk file to 200. I just installed a server with backup exec, and fought this problem for some days before finding the above. This configuration is not recommended or supported for extended periods.
I am getting error code 0x8004230f, when trying to backup. Need assistance in trouble shooting identifitying backup errors concerning backups on a 2003 server, with veritas backup exec. With a current point score over 100,000, theyve contributed more than 3000 answers in the microsoft support forums and have created almost 200 new help articles in the technet wiki. This can be done, usually, by right clicking on the devices, and selecting delete.
User media intervention sourcebackup exec category. Explore five common veritas backup exec error codes, which range from services not starting. The backup exec device and media service could not start because the database recovery has failed. I can also look at the list of backup sets on the disk. Apr 28, 2015 symptoms the sas tape exported using tape redirector and configured with backup exec may go offline after some manipulations run the backup job, inventory the tape, etc. In the above example, the log reoprts that besa couldnt run the beserver. Iot software and services digi remote manager digi foundations wireless design services professional services trustfence security framework featured xctu digi xbee zigbee 4g lte anywhereusb routers see all keywords. Backup exec 2010 r3, 2012 and 2014 agents are backwards compatible with backup exec 16 servers for the purpose of upgrades only. I have now after a few hours of messing around managed to resolve, the issue was down to the veritas backup software, because backup exec authenticates via ad the nas needed to join on the domain to allow it to receive the full list of ad users so it could then. Backup exec cannot use this tape device because it has detected a mismatched tape device serial number. On the backup exec tools menu, click backup exec services services credentials. Learn what other it pros think about the 57755 warning event generated by backup exec.
Backup exec does not like my backing up my dc stopped working and giving this message. The article mentioned above explains the issue,the best practices and answers your question on how to free space after freeing the space physically if the backup to disk folder continues to show low disk space in be devices then simply right click on the b2d folder and select pause,then right click again and unpause the device and that should fix the issue. Please confirm that the drive hardware is powered on and properly cabled is reported in the event viewer application log when the storage device is powered off during a backup operation. How to troubleshoot issues with a robotic library autoloader. If youve been cleaning the drive every couple of weeks for a while the head will be worn out by now, assuming that is that the cleaning tape isnt at the end in which case it wont have any effect. The veritas general data protection regulation gdpr solution combines marketleading technologies and the expertise of our professional services advisors to lead you toward compliance. Ensure that the backup exec services are running on correct accounts. In other words, symantec has had some success with splitting the backups into two jobs, one for files and one for the exchange server. Backup exec is waiting for tapes that can be overwritten including scratch, blank, and recyclable media to be placed in the tape drive.
I do not believe the original installation of the hp wbem providers caused the issue, i have a feeling a subsequent windows update, backup exec update, other module update, or an update to the hp software may have caused the issue to occur at a later time than original install. Using backup exec for netware with novell netware cluster services server clusters provide high availability and manageability of critical network resources, including data volumes, applications, server licenses, and services. This pair of events 50145002 is a normal phenomenon in the case of backup using backup exec 2010 or another other backup tools. I cant fault the company, i just feel there was a bit more to learn than i had expected but this is due to all of the. The alert was reported because veritas backup exec told the robotic library to move media from a robotic library slot to a drive and the drive already contains media. With the agents and options included, it can back up windows, mac, and. Symantec backup exec robotic library destination element full error. Dec 22, 2010 hi, we have had our quantum scalar i40 library setup for around two weeks now but have encountered problems getting scheduled jobs to run and getting the library to perform tasks through backup exec 2010 and 2010 r2. If you are backing up exchange server as part of a file backup job, one possible workaround is to separate those two resources.
The library and drive states have been set to offline is reported in the application log. Aug 14, 2009 backup exec cannot use this tape device because it has detected a mismatched tape device serial number. Im experiencing an issue however and the errors dont give me much to go on. Runtime error 58053 happens when backup exec fails or crashes whilst its running, hence its name. Antivirus software can be a particular problem in backup exec. The following guidelines regarding this software compatibility list scl should be understood. Delete the tape drive in backup exec right click again, need to disable first this must be done in backup exec. I have a pv 120t, dds 4 autoloader installed on a dell pe 2500 with windows 2000 sp2.
For canceled dismount operations, you should manually remove the media from the drive and then. I cant fault the company, i just feel there was a bit more to learn than i had. Eject remove media from the drive and then reinventory scan the robotic library. This kind of error will appear as an annoying notification on. This issue has several causes, if the steps below do not resolve the issue or the symptoms do not match, please refer to the related documents section. Veritas backup exec library expansion option onpremise. Looking at the event viewer, these are a selection of errors. We currently utilise backup exec 2010r3 running on windows server 2008r2 dell poweredge r610 with 2x intel xeons, and 32gb ram connected to a dell powervault 124t tape library via a perc 800 adaptor and sas cable as our backup solution. I have cheeked permission all the other server our working fine. It doesnt necessarily mean that the code was corrupt in some way, but just that it did not work during its runtime. Stop and disable removal storage service rsm windows server 2003windows xp only. For the last week my backups have been failing with error. During a backup operation if the storage device tape drive, library or auto loader is powered off while the data is being written to a tape, the job fails. Backup exec the backup exec device and media service could not start because the database recovery has failed.
Updating the hp software agents, providers, hp smh, wbem had no effect. Symantec backup exec server documentation for solarwinds. In a server cluster, two or more servers called nodes are linked in a. Learn how to fix these backup exec runtime errors quickly and easily. Granted, 2012 had issues, but everyone i talk to who has upgrade to 2014 is happy with the product. These can be shown by typing vssadmin list providers at a command prompt. Backup exec 2014 the time ive wasted on technology. I was looking for known issues with bacpup exec and service pack 2. The robotic library has reported a transport element full error condition.
I know this is a really old thread, but i have had this same problem for months now and may have found a solution. However, i accidentally swap the position of the two tape including the one stuck in the tape drive so i had to manually replace the tapes back to the original slot by opening up the magazine and do a full backup on the tape that was affected. Michael sandusky received a solution backup exec 2010 r3. Veritas support of 3rd party manufacturer products. Symptoms the sas tape exported using tape redirector and configured with backup exec may go offline after some manipulations run the backup job, inventory the tape, etc. We have a tape library quantum scalar i40i80 and 2 tape drives hp ultrium 4scsi connected via sas. Since they updated to service pack 2 the robotics off a msl5030l1 scsi connected library gos offline. As someone who has used backup exec since the seagate days 17 years, i can honestly say that backup exec 2014 is the best product yet. Resolution create the powershell script file with the following content on the machine that is connected to the exported tape. The device reports a scsi inquiry string into backup exec, however, depending on the settings of the device and whether emulation or vtl modes are used, the device can be configured to report the inquiry string of a physical library rtl and if this results in the scsi inquiry string not agreeing with that documented in the vtl section of the. In most cases, you shouldnt disable your antivirus software.
Statev795734441488 due to one or more errors in \\server. Jul 12, 2011 after an upgrade from backup exec 11d to backup exec 12. No matter we backup or inventory or quick or long erase the drive goes offline automatically. I restarted all backup exec services yesterday, but all of the jobs overnight still failed. V275548 error robotic library transport element full. Backup exec has been around in one form or another since the early 1990s and has a reputation as one of the more reliable backup products on the market. Need assistance in trouble shooting identifitying backup. For backup exec name service and database maintenance failures, look for details in the event viewer. Error 58053 problems include computer crashes, freezes, and possible virus infection. Every effort should be made to get all backup exec components to the same version as soon as possible. Tried a bunch of stuff, including swapping the p800 controller, for another hp p212. Veritas backup exec is backup and recovery software that runs on windows server.
When a backup job is performed, the backup exec proactively stops any dfsr replication and then uses the dfsr vss writer to backup data. The problem that we facing is the tape drive goes offline automatically. When it comes to using aws or azure cloud storage, backup exec provides native connections that are just as easy to set up and manage as local storage. For failed to initialize objects events, restart all backup exec services, reboot the backup exec media server and then ensure the latest backup exec patches and service packs have been installed. This issue is also observed on servers or workstations with the backup exec remote administration console installed. Workarounds for e000fe30 a communications failure has occurred in backup exec. While it didnt fix the issue, i gained some backup speed. Backup exec services will not startreturns error 1067. Im running windows 2000 server wsp4, and am at bios a9. There was absolutely no articles covering backup exec 2014 running on windows server 2012 r2 with this specific issue.
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